1.In the German environment, though, the same field, now labeled with a longer string, can cause a truncation problem, as shown in figure 18.
2.When selecting a pair of fields from two tables to use as a relationship, they have to have the same field type.
3.Later, after he graduated from his university, he began his master's degree in the same field of study and I was lucky to be his mentor.
4.If two or more columns of the result have the same field names, the last column will take precedence.
5.Intercropping: Growing TWO or more crops simultaneously as in alternate rows in the same field or single tract of land.
6.Valerie might have spent the following year searching for another job in the same field, but instead chose to make a career change.
7.But it is possible to use the results achieved by charities in the same field as a benchmark.
8.Multiple cropping ; multicropping Growing two or more crops in the same year on the same field .
9.U. S. Defense Secretary Gates reiterated that the hearing in the same field, the United States does not send ground troops.
10.High School graduates or related Diploma holders with at least 3 years working experience in the same field add advantage to candidate.